School-Level Coaching
School-wide implementation of PBIS is an ongoing and dynamic process that relies on the actions of the PBIS team. These 6-8 peer leaders and their administrator are responsible for coordinating the design and implementation of PBIS strategies across the school.

Representative and Responsive Implementation
PBIS team members are representative of different grade levels, content areas, and specialties in their school. They regularly seek feedback and implementation ideas from all stakeholder groups, including other faculty, support staff, families and students. Those ideas are used to ensure behavior supports result in a safe and positive school climate for everyone, including those from marginalized populations.

MTSS Content Knowledge
The skill sets of each team member compliments and completes the PBIS team as a whole. Team members are given time to engage in professional development to increase their fluency with important content areas which include (but aren’t limited to):
- Knowledge of PBIS and basic behavior principles,
- Strategies for data collection and analysis,
- Contextually relevant implementation,
- Effective peer mentoring practices, and
- Problem solving facilitation.

Facilitated Leadership and Support
PBIS team members are the vehicles for change at their school. They connect their colleagues, families, and students with the necessary experiences to build expertise in PBIS and related topics. They provide on-site coaching to staff members so they are able to implement practices in the settings where they are needed.

Problem Solving Facilitation
PBIS team members take a proactive approach to data analysis and action planning. They monitor the fidelity of their team’s problem-solving process, staying alert to common pitfalls that occur during team-based problem-solving. When inconsistencies occur, team members support one another to get their team back on track.

The PBIS “Point Of Contact”
One team member is responsible for accurate communication between their school’s PBIS team, their PBIS district coordinator (DC), and Florida’s PBIS Project. This individual also ensures FLPBIS mid- and end-year evaluations are completed accurately, and shares the results with other stakeholders. This crucial role helps schools stay on top of the latest research, and helps the district and FLPBIS Project effectively support schools’ implementation.
Resources to support coaching
The resources below are intended for school PBIS teams to support their colleagues with day-to-day implementation of PBIS.