About Florida PBIS

Mission and Services

Bullseye target

Our Mission

Increase the capacity of Florida’s school districts to use team-based planning and problem solving to implement positive behavioral interventions and supports within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS).

Team building a puzzle

What We Do

Provide training and technical assistance to districts in the development and implementation of positive behavioral interventions and supports at the school-wide (Tier 1), classroom, targeted group (Tier 2), and individual student (Tier 3) levels.

Diagram. We coach district leaders, who coach school-based leaders, who coach teachers, who coach students and families, who inform culturally responive practices to address local needs.

Our Support Model

To build local capacity for implementing PBIS, the FLPBIS Project engages in coaching, evaluation, and data-based problem solving with district leaders to create systems that support effective PBIS practices.

Support model diagram

To Request Services

If your district or school is new to the FLPBIS Project, email us or call 813-974-6440 for more information.

District PBIS Coordinators may contact their FLPBIS TA specialist to request support.